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If you think history is boring, you're doing it wrong


When I tell people that I am a history buff, their response is often "ugh, but history is so boring." And every time I hear someone say that, all I hear is a challenge because history is ANYTHING but boring.

When a person tells me that history is boring, I can almost bet that the only history they learned was from a school text book. Not to knock our education system, but it has a knack of making history really boring. It tries to reduce it to just dates and names, and often the real stories that make it interesting and engaging are taken away because there is SO much history to try and cover. However, that takes away the things that make people remember history, and want to learn more. When you get behind the scenes and learn about the personality of the people, places and events you quickly get obsessed with learning more. You quickly learn that you can relate to people from history, or can imagine what that event felt like to live through and you learn that history is anything but one sided! You see that a single event can look very different depending on your view point.

History is so much more than dates & names. It is always changing and evolving. There is always another side to the story, always a "what if", and a "if only". Historical figures were flawed every day people who sometimes rose to the occasion, while others fell astonishingly short of expectations. History books can only tell you so much, but the rest is waiting to be discovered, discussed and dissected.

I hope with this blog and instagram page I help you to discover how exciting history is, and how there is always something to learn. I hope to lead you to other places to learn history that are outside of the academic arena, so that you can find the history that impacts you! History should make you laugh, cry, roll your eyes, and help you understand current events.

Thank you for joining me, I am so excited to share my passion for history with you! Remember, ff you think history is boring, you're doing it wrong!!

Standing on a floor that is over 150 years old, that I would love to have in my new construction home

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